How to Edit Photos on Iphone Like a Pro

everything that is available though so

there's a few different tabs you have


so in the bottom left here with that

dial you have some of the most basic

settings like exposure brightness

contrast in the middle you have

different filters that come available

and in the bottom right you have one of

the most useful ones which is crop

so this is just if you wanted to crop

into a certain part of the photo

or if you wanted to make it square or

different sizes

16 by 9 different ratios so this is

useful if you know you want to make it a

square image for social media

and also in the top left you have some

tools for flipping

horizontally rotating it upside down or


aside from the ratio if you tap that


you can also adjust the rotation angle

and also the kind of skew and stretch of


if you did have some sort of lens

distortion on your image

this can fix it or i suppose you could

use it as a creative effect if you


but i'm going to cancel i don't want to

make any sort of crops and we're going

to start

back to the basic adjustment section if

we didn't need to crop

so firstly we have the exposure this can


or darken the image pretty useful a lot

of times you might just need to brighten

the exposure overall

and next we have the brilliance this is

kind of like the

vibrance of the image you can see it's

kind of like

darkening it's kind of like brightening

and saturating the image at the same


you can see it only affects certain

portions like if i turn it all the way

down it still doesn't affect the

brightest highlights

so it only affects a certain range of

the image and if i ever tap

again on those circles you can see i can

turn them off or on if i didn't want


or i can just bring them back down to

zero if i kind of want to reset them

next up we have highlights and shadows

so the highlights will increase

just the highlights or darken them so

these can be useful when you have kind

of an overblown sky or something like


in this case it's a nighttime shot so

maybe i just want to increase the


so you can see some more texture in the

shadows and i wouldn't really need to do

anything to the highlights but

i can darken the highlights a bit if i

want if you had a photo with a overblown


you might want to reduce the highlights

and maybe not touch the shadows

it allows you to separate the shadows

and highlights so you don't have to

brighten and darken the whole image

which can be useful in certain cases

next up we have contrast a lot of times

when you do mess with the brightness and


you lose some of that contrast and

saturation so

this can make the darks a little darker

and the brights a little brighter

if you ever want to see before and after

as you're editing you can just tap

on the original photo so we can see


and where we are at so far so you can

kind of see what you've done

again you have brightness just overall

brightening or darkening of the image

black point is useful to lift up the

entire black point so

if i increase it you see it gets a lot

more contrasted but if

i decrease the black point then we have

this overall

gray fade that happens you can see

there's no longer any true

black in the image it's more like a


kind of washed out look that happens


on instagram and other apps you might

this might be called fade

you can use it for a lot of vintage type

of effects because when we get into some

of the other color

boosts we can tint those grays into

different colors

next up we have saturation so this just

allows us to make our photo black and


or saturated even more you don't want to

over cook the image

so that it looks unnatural like this

usually but this can be

good for a black and white and you can

see the black and white mixed with the

black point

you can see the difference between a

very high contrast black and white

versus a kind of black point black and


just two different styles but even from

the original you can see

we have so much more creative control

than you'd expect out of just the camera

roll app

vibrance is kind of like saturation it's

trying to boost up the

colors but vibrance will not boost up

all the colors like saturation so you

might not

affect skin tones as much it'll just

kind of affect more of of the middle


warmth allows you to adjust the white

balance kind of so

you can take it to be more warm you get

this overall red hue

which actually looks kind of good in

this photo or you can take it to be

cooler and more blue so you can use it

for that creative look to make it more

warm or cool

or if you happen to shoot a photo and it

looked a little too

blue or a little too red you can use it

to correct

and fix the white balance so more in a

corrective way

tint is also another white balance

fixing tool so

it'll take things to be more magenta or


or more green looking so this is just

kind of more advanced touches for fixing

white balance

if you needed to add or remove either of

those tints to the image

mixing it with the warmth so the warmth

and the tint

can help you correct the white balance

or add your own

sort of tint and warmth to it

sharpness just allows us to increase the

overall sharpness and if we zoom into

the image while we're editing

we can kind of see this is no sharpness


with sharpness you see all that texture

kind of pop um you never just just

always never try to cook your image too


subtlety is always nice but so far we do

have a cool

look going on i think definition as well

will kind of increase the contrast

between pixels

kind of like sharpness but it's not

actually sharpening it's just

darkening darks and lightening lights a

bit next to each other

kind of around the edges of the photo

noise reduction if you shot a photo at

night and it happened to be really


you can try to increase the noise

reduction just doesn't really have too

much noise anyway

and vignette will just allow you to add

a little bit of shadow around the edges

of the photo

kind of allowing you to focus into the

center of the image

if you take it the other way negative

vignette it'll add like a white halo

around the photo

so either of those just kind of

sometimes when you have a photo with a

open sky a light vignette will give you

some of that little gradual shift of


to lighter contrast which helps kind of

draw your eye into the center of the


so vignette can be nice in subtle ways

and that's everything in the basic

correction section

i'm simply using all of them at once but

really you're

you don't always need to use all of them

at once sometimes you just need to maybe

boost the contrast a tiny bit or boost

the saturation up a tiny bit or just fix

the white balance so

editing a photo does not mean you have

to touch it at all

or touch every single slider next up in

the middle we have some of the filters

so original you can add some of the

filters they have and

as you're on the filter you can turn it

down from zero to 100 strength

and you'll notice this is being applied

on top of all the basic corrections that

we have

so we have vivid warm cool

dramatic different cool filters like i

think that looks pretty good

you also have your different

monochromatic and black and white ones

you have

kind of silver tone kind of like a black

and white film but with a

little bit of metallic blue and noir

so just different sort of contrast in

the black and white

i think all of these look pretty cool

but you don't have to add any of them


that looks pretty cool i think i'll add

that and then again like i said you have

the crop tools

if you needed to crop or straighten into

a certain point so

i'm not going to crop i'm just going to

leave it as it was

so i'm going to turn that off but that's

the fully finished image if you ever go

back to edit

in the bottom right corner you'll see

that i can click revert

and in the top right corner you can see

that i can export it out if you have

other apps like

different photoshop or apps you can

export out

from the camera roll to other apps or if

you click markup

you can scribble and draw on your image

if you wanted to these are just

different apps depending on i think your


but if for some reason you wanted to

write on your image you could do that as

well but i'm going to click cancel and

that's basically

a full walkthrough of how to edit and

adjust your photos

in the camera roll app really useful if

you don't have any of these

fancy apps or lightroom i think

lightroom is free though but

sometimes you do just need to crop boost

the contrast or do something simple

in the camera roll app and a lot of

these tools are universal throughout any

photo editing app

so if you enjoyed this video check out

some of my other tutorials in the

playlist on my channel

subscribe to stay tuned for all my new

videos and thank you so much for

watching i'll see you in the next one

How to Edit Photos on Iphone Like a Pro


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